Tuesday 15 December 2015


       As a conclusion higher education are very important in our life. We need to study hard to achieve in this higher education. We can get a lot of jobs if we have a qualification in what has they offer to us. If we have qualification in what has they offered to us,  they can give a higher salary based on our qualification.  Beside, experience are also important before getting the offered job. In higher education they provide the experience based on their courses such as doing practicum in the company that has been selected. From the experience they will offer the students to a job.   



The ways to improve this problems are,

  • The university should have a study direct such as forum, quizzes, resources and link to further reading. The students will improve their learning if the students use the support available and participate in the online learning activities.
  • By talking to each other, this may put the topics in a different light and allow the students to expand the scope of assessed work including arguments other than those who present to lectures.
  • Try to read the listing that has been provided in the notes and try to find the review articles in relevant journals to get more information and ideas.
  • In some subjects the best ways to learn is by practicing. For example a statistic student needs to practice a lot to understand and remember the formula to solve the task.
  • Use an attractive learning strategies to help the students more focus and remember what has been taught.

Reflection and Opinion

  Based on my reflection and opinion, 

  • Teachers need to help to understand about the assessment. By using the type of assessment, it will easier for the teacher to develop the information towards the students. 
  • Provide feedback to students so they can learn from mistakes and built on the achievements. 
  • Peer assessment, by which students are involved in assessing other students, providing feedback opportunities for their colleagues and the development of comparative evaluative facilities for themselves.

Tuesday 8 December 2015


In higher education, their examination are totally different like schooling such as their grading, scheme examination and many more. They have their own grading. They are using the Cumulative Grade Points Average (CGPA) and Grade Point Average (GPA) schema. Which is CGPA’s mean the average of grade points that obtain in all subjects in that semester while GPA’s mean the average of cumulative grade points that obtain in all semester.  It is the total points earned in a semester divided by the total credits taken in that semester. Each letter grade corresponds to a numerical value called quality point.

        In higher education, every course shall have continuous assessment which will consist of quizzes, assignment or test and contribute 30% to 60% of the total marks for that subject. the remaining marks will come from the final examination. Students will be informed their carry mark of quiz, assignment, test or participate in the class or in the voiss or their uniec
        There are 2 types of grading schema which are general grading scheme and grading scheme for MQA and English Language courses.


Each tutor is different in how they conducted students.
1. Tutors need to identify the learning needs of their students. To get their students more attract and get more attention, the tutor needs to use a creative ways, such as use a creative material or colorful mind map in their lesson.
2.  Homework. The tutors need give a homework everyday to their students. Some students are lazy to do a revision. By giving them homework, it may improve their skill to learn more on that subject. They will learn thru the homework that the tutor gave to them.
3.   One – to- one consultation with their tutors. Some students need to be handle one- to- one tutoring. This is because, not every student can catch up easily on what they tutor teach. Students who get this problems need a full attention from their tutor. The tutor need give them a full attention so that they can understand the lesson that has been taught.
4.   Recall back what has been learned in the last lesson before start and finish the class. The tutor needs to recall back what have the students learned before and after the lesson. Some of the student’s cannot remember the last lesson that has been taught. In order to make them remember what has their study in the last lesson, tutor need to recall a little bit about the last lesson in that subject. It can refresh their memory about what has they learned before this.
5.  Give them a quiz before a class. By giving them a quiz before class, it can improve their lesson. In order to answer their quiz in the class they need to study before the quiz. It can strengthen their memory to remember what has they learn about that subject.
6.    Ask them to present each topic in a group. Present each topic in a group can strength their understanding of that topic. They can learn by themselves thru the slides that has been present with them. From that they can get a lot of information from the slides and search the suitable information for their presentation.

7. The environment of the class are very important. A student needs a comfortable class, such as a comfortable chair and table, the silent environment and more. 

Purpose of assessment

 The university purpose of assessment is to improve student’s learning and tutor’s teaching as both respond to the information it provides. Assessment for learning is an ongoing process that arises out the interaction between teaching and learning. The tutor also need to provide the levels of understanding that students are reaching. The most important roles of assessment is to provide feedback in a timely and informative to the students during teaching and learning process in order to practice their skill and subsequent acquisition will be effective and efficient. Students need to prove to the tutor that they really understand what their tutor teaches during the class being held. 

Saturday 5 December 2015


In this blog, I will discuss about assessment in higher education. I choose higher education because higher education is important for a future. Some will get a good job based on their higher education qualification. In higher education, they can get a lot of information and new things to learn. They can learn something new that they never learn before. In the higher education they can also learn how to be independent. Furthermore, they can choose a lot of courses that they want to learn. They also can choose the course that they interest to. There are a lot of courses that has offered by the university.

Friday 4 December 2015


 There are three types of assessment such as diagnostic, formative, and summative. There are significant differences between the three types of assessment.