Tuesday 8 December 2015


Each tutor is different in how they conducted students.
1. Tutors need to identify the learning needs of their students. To get their students more attract and get more attention, the tutor needs to use a creative ways, such as use a creative material or colorful mind map in their lesson.
2.  Homework. The tutors need give a homework everyday to their students. Some students are lazy to do a revision. By giving them homework, it may improve their skill to learn more on that subject. They will learn thru the homework that the tutor gave to them.
3.   One – to- one consultation with their tutors. Some students need to be handle one- to- one tutoring. This is because, not every student can catch up easily on what they tutor teach. Students who get this problems need a full attention from their tutor. The tutor need give them a full attention so that they can understand the lesson that has been taught.
4.   Recall back what has been learned in the last lesson before start and finish the class. The tutor needs to recall back what have the students learned before and after the lesson. Some of the student’s cannot remember the last lesson that has been taught. In order to make them remember what has their study in the last lesson, tutor need to recall a little bit about the last lesson in that subject. It can refresh their memory about what has they learned before this.
5.  Give them a quiz before a class. By giving them a quiz before class, it can improve their lesson. In order to answer their quiz in the class they need to study before the quiz. It can strengthen their memory to remember what has they learn about that subject.
6.    Ask them to present each topic in a group. Present each topic in a group can strength their understanding of that topic. They can learn by themselves thru the slides that has been present with them. From that they can get a lot of information from the slides and search the suitable information for their presentation.

7. The environment of the class are very important. A student needs a comfortable class, such as a comfortable chair and table, the silent environment and more. 

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